Monday, October 5, 2009

Leaf Collecting Season, a most profitable time of year

Fall Leaf Collection

My most profitable time of year.

Some landscape contractors make the bulk of their years gross income in Spring, for me it was the Fall. Washington DC has more trees per square mile than any other city in the US (if you don't count NY's central park). It's said that the reason the 911 terrorists hit the pentagon is likely because at that altitude they couldn't make out the White House of the Capitol, so they flew past them and hit the only target they could plainly make out.

One thing you want to consider in advertising your landscape company is to get a website for it.
Here's one that I made for a Frederick Maryland lawncare company:

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Friday, October 2, 2009

October Gardening

Gardening in October is entirely dependant on the weather. If there's an Indian Summer, there is no better time of year to be out in the garden. While gardeners in warm areas will have more to do than their northern counterparts, there are plenty of garden tasks to keep everyone busy in October.
In General
•Get your soil tested and add amendments as needed.
•Amend your soil with a dressing of compost
•Turn your compost pile.
•Use your garden debris and leaves to start a compost pile.
•Plant trees and shrubs. Be sure to keep them well-watered, even through the winter (Snow permitting).
•Make sure all vacationing houseplants are brought back inside.
•Continue planting garlic.
•Plant cool season annuals. Covering mums and asters on nights when a frost is expected, will lengthen their blooming.
•Clear away dead foliage.
•Dry and save seed.
•Take cuttings of tender perennials.
•Harvest and dry or freeze herbs for winter use.
•Remove green tomatoes from the plants. Either ripen in a brown paper bag or lift the entire plant and hang upside down in a warm spot, to ripen.
•Harvest winter squash once the vines die back, but definately before a hard freeze.
•Continue harvesting fall crops like beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, kale and leeks.
•Clean and put away empty containers and garden ornaments.
•Clean and sharpen gardening tools.
•Clean bird feeders.
•Think about a de-icer for the birdbath. If you're in an area that freezes and you don't have a de-icer, turn your birdbath over to keep it from cracking.
•Enjoy the season. Show off your harvest with a fall display.

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